Changchun China International Sculpture Convention 2003 |
Welcome to anyone involved with sculpture! |
Convention dates: 6, 7 and 8 September 2003 Sculptors - indeed anyone involved with sculpture around the world - all are invited to attend the International Sculpture Convention 2003 in Changchun, China. The city of Changchun in Jilin Province ("Dongbei" - North Eastern China), will host next year's International Sculpture Conference on the 6th, 7th and 8th of September 2003 . The theme for the Sculpture Convention is "Friendship - Peace - Spring". Sculptors, art critics, professors of sculpture (and academics of all levels), urban planning officials, foundry representatives, sculpture tool and equipment manufacturers and sculpture collectors will see this as a unique opportunity to meet and exchange. As of March 2003 - 300 Chinese artists and 200 foreign artists have already been confirmed to attend this event! Don't miss it!!! The International Sculpture Convention will encompass an exhibition of sculpture maquettes, lectures and forums. It will also be preceded by an International Sister-Cities Sculpture Symposium held between August 9th and September 5th - for which sculptors from countries who have not participated in previous years (see list) were urgently invited to submit proposals by the 28th of February. The Organizers are currently having a special website created; in the meantime, all would-be attendees may register their interest via this website. Sculptor Laury Dizengremel, French but resident in England, will be the Leader for the European Delegation of sculptors and other guests from Western Europe. Sculptor Judi Michelle Young from Canada will be the Leader of the North American Delegation. Sculptor Jock Hildebrand will be leading a delegation from Western Canada. Laury and Judi are professional sculptors who have previously visited Changchun where they were invited to create monumental sculptures (in the context of the China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium of 2001). Jock is a professional sculptor has successfully organized the Okanagan Sculpture event. Sculptors interested in taking part in the Sculpture Exhibition during the International Sculpture Convention 2003, please click here for a Sculpture Exhibition Application Form. Anyone interested in contributing with a lecture (which must also be a written essay for publication in a special book to be published by the Organizers right after the Sculpture Convention) should also register their interest by clicking here for a Lecture/Essay Application Form. NEW DEADLINE: Note that all all proposals must arrive at the latest by 31 March 2003, either by post (allow enough time for your package to arrive) or electronically by e-mail. If you are planning to fill out either the Sculpture Exhibition Application Form or the Lecture/Essay Application Form, please do not forget also to send your actual sculpture or lecture/essay entries by e-mail attachment to Miss Lju Hexin (Olivia) at AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and NO LATER THAN 31 March 2003. Peferred format for picture files is compressed JPEG and for text files is WORD document. If you wish to attend the International Sculpture Convention 2003 but do not wish to contribute either a sculpture for the Sculpture Exhibition or a Lecture/Essay, you are of course very welcome. Click here for a Convention Attendee Application Form. Finally, do consult our Practical Information page for further details. |
Convention Home Page |
Sculpture Exhibition Application | |